Menopause Friendly Exercise

Embracing Change:
Navigating Menopause Through Exercise

Journeying Through Perimenopause and Menopause

We know that staying active can help with menopause symptoms such as fatigue, low mood, and anxiety. Exercising outdoors with a group of other women is especially great for giving you that extra feel-good boost for your mental health. Exercise is also crucial for maintaining muscle mass and bone density.

We know how important it is for you to stay active. The question then is, how can we help you stay active as you transition through menopause and struggle with symptoms?

2. Blackford Hill

Menopause Walks

Our walking group is led by fitandhappy founder Julia McCabe, certified personal trainer and menopause transition coach.

Come and join us for a walk in nature, meet and chat with other women who are going through perimenopause and find out why walking is so good for easing symptoms!

All body shapes and fitness levels are welcome. No experience required.

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One-on-One Coaching

At fitandhappy, all our coaches have been trained to coach women through perimenopause and beyond.

We are aware of the challenges this life phase brings, and our head coach, Julia, is a certified menopause transition coach.



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Julia is passionate about helping all women to:

  • feel free to talk about what they are going through without shame or embarrassment
  • feel confident, strong and happy in their own skin - despite the physical and mental challenges perimenopause can bring
  • stay active through menopause and beyond, at whatever level works for them
  • feel part of a supportive community instead of isolated and lonely.

Group Classes

We are working hard to make our boot camps and group classes as welcoming as possible to those going through perimenopause.

We passionately believe that staying active and being part of a friendly and welcoming group benefits women of all ages, especially those going through peri- or menopause.


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The menopause transition can be a challenging and lonely time, so being part of the fitandhappy community of supportive women can be life-changing for both physical and mental wellbeing.

How do we make sure all fitandhappy classes are menopause-friendly?

We understand that symptoms can vary day to day. If you're not feeling up to a tough workout, it's fine. You can participate at your own pace, take breaks as needed, and tailor the class to fit your needs. It's your workout, so make it work for you!

Julia McCabe fitandhappy personal trainer

Meet Julia

Julia is an ex-teacher and busy mother of three. She loves helping women to achieve things they never thought possible and become fitter, stronger and more confident in their bodies.

Julia has a particular interest in helping women transition from perimenopause to menopause and beyond. She is passionate about delicious, nutritious food that is simple to make and will feed her family. Julia loves the outdoors and playing the piano.
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+ Level 4 Advanced Personal Training

+ Certified Menopause Transition Coach

+ Certified Body Confidence and Wellbeing Coach

+ Advanced Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor

+ Level 4 AfN certified Diploma in Nutrition

+ NLP practitioner

+ Postural Analysis and Movement Correction

+ Level 3 GP Exercise Referral

+ Advanced Stretching and Mobility



"I love starting my day with a fitandhappy boot camp in Colinton! I’ve never stuck to any exercise before but have been attending Fit and Happy for almost two years. Fresh air, exercise and a lovely group of women to share it with. The coaches are encouraging and supportive, giving a range of options for different abilities.
Best way to start the day!"

"fitandhappy has changed the way I feel about exercise. I never dreamed I'd be able to run 5km, do press ups or planks. Now I do them on a regular basis and enjoy it! I feel myself getting stronger all the time and my outlook has completely changed. Could not recommend Julia more highly."


How do we make sure all fitandhappy
classes are menopause-friendly?

  • We always offer a variety of difficulty levels to make sure there is an option available to all.
  • We understand that symptoms can vary day to day. If you're not feeling up to a tough workout, it's fine. You can participate at your own pace, take breaks as needed, and tailor the class to fit your needs. It's your workout, so make it work for you.
  • Our classes are non-competitive, so don't worry if you feel slower or less capable than others. We're all here to work out and feel better. While we engage in team games occasionally, individual competition is never part of our ethos.
  • Public toilets are nearby for some of our locations and we can't wait for the new ones to be added to the Meadows and Inverleith Park. We have arrangements with certain cafes allowing our members to use their facilities.
  • Instructions are kept short and clear, and we are always happy to repeat them! Brain fog is a reality for some of our coaches, too so we really can sympathise.
  • We work hard to provide an atmosphere where everybody feels welcome and comfortable to talk about female health - from pelvic floor issues to menstruation and menopause.
  • We are always happy to listen to your menopause experiences and do whatever we can to make things easier for you.
  • Being a valued member of our community is not about being the fastest or strongest. We have lots of different ways of boosting your confidence levels!